First Alternative Winter Wine Soiree 2020

I created this branded look for First Alternative’s wine tasting event. Besides a celebration of food and wine, and a chance to raise some money for a good cause, the 2020 event centered around celebrating the First Alternative Co-op’s 50th Anniversary. The designs are based on the look created in the 2019 event, but modified to embrace the 1970s-oriented brand palette we used for the Co-op 50th. To create the design I used a combination of Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.
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NAACP Freedom Fund 50th Commemorative Program

I created this program for the 2021 Freedom Fund Banquet, a fundraising event for the Corvallis-Albany NAACP. This program commemorates the organization’s 50th anniversary and includes historical content and articles about the branch as well as the content specifically related to the event itself. I created the layout using Adobe InDesign.
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First Alternative Co-op Shop By Bike Brochure

This brochure was designed for First Alternative Co-op as a way to encourage people to try doing their grocery shopping by bicycle. I did the illustrations and the layout using Adobe Illustrator and InDesign.
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First Alternative Winter Wine Soiree 2019

I created this branded look for First Alternative’s annual wine tasting event. I created the mark, including the graphic art deco pattern of wine glass and bottle silhouettes using Adobe Illustrator. Using Adobe Photoshop, I created the icy blue photographic textures of wine glasses and sparkling lights using photographs from the previous year’s event.
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Corvallis Farmers’ Market Posters

I designed posters for the Corvallis Farmers’ Market starting in 2014. For each poster, I created original linoleum blockprint illustrations, scanned and manipulated using Adobe Photoshop, and created the layout in InDesign.
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First Alternative Co-op Farm Bio Signage

I created a seasonally rotating set of signs for the produce and meat departments that contain imagery representing the local farms and ranches that sell through First Alternative Co-op. These signs contain photographs I took along with photographs my colleagues took. I created the layouts using Adobe InDesign.
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Corvallis Changemakers Conference Booklet

Using a brand system (logo, fonts, color palette, graphics) created by OSU design students I created a booklet for the conference this group of volunteers and activists put together in the fall of 2017. I created the layout using Adobe InDesign and coordinated with multiple volunteers and sponsors to put the booklet together.
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Linn-Benton Community College Galleries Postcards

Working as the curator for three galleries on the LBCC campus, I created publicity materials for the exhibits, including these postcards, which were created using photographs of the artists’ work laid out in Adobe InDesign.
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Still We Rise Corvallis Women’s March

Using the National Women’s March logo, designed by Nicole La Rue, with which Still We Rise was affiliated, I designed a set of publicity materials and event signage (poster, web header, t-shirt, stickers, banners, maps) for this local event.
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Benton Soil and Water Conservation District Strategic Plan Booklet

I designed this booklet in Adobe Indesign for the Benton Soil and Water Conservation District using their photographs, graphics, and branding.
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